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StoneGate Capital Group

Creatively Enhancing Business Values

for Over 35 Years

Why a One Day MBA Program?

A Note from the Author/Creator,
Joel Martin Hartstone

Over a 40 year career I’ve been a business lawyer, an investment banker, a turn-around manager, a serial entrepreneur, and a business consultant. I’ve seen a lot of companies succeed but I’ve seen a lot more fail. Some – but far less than you’d think – failed because their products or services didn’t stand up in a competitive market. Most failed for other reasons; and, many of those reasons were similar, foreseeable and avoidable. In fact, some reasons are so common that many business failures could have been avoided if management (or their advisors) had the perspective of a brief, but broad-scope, management training program. Unfortunately, nearly all management programs taking less than a full week focus narrowly on a single subject or they are oriented to members of a single profession or industry. They don’t provide that perspective.

Note that I said “perspective;” I didn’t say “knowledge.” Managers and advisors need to bring per-spective, not detail, to business issues. I’ve learned that managers and advisors don’t need deep expertise in all business areas to make good decisions. But, both need to know what subject mat-ter business area experts “know about,” what they do, and how the good ones do it, in order to use their knowledge to make better decisions. Managers and advisors can avoid many of the common mistakes that kill businesses or reduce profitability by knowing “about” the basic subjects taught in a typical MBA program without learning most of the subject material. But, I could find no practical, one-day business program available that provided the program breadth for that perspec-tive. My intention in creating the StoneGate Capital Group One Day MBA Program was to fill that void.

For a video preview of the StoneGate Capital Group One Day MBA Program, click here.

To register for the StoneGate Capital Group One Day MBA Program, click here.

StoneGate’s One Day MBA Program is a “business boot camp” – based on decades of on-the-ground experience applying important business school concepts in dozens of businesses. In just one day you’ll learn how primary business principles are put into real, every-day practice by top CEOs and management teams and how they interrelate in the overall management of an enter-prise. This is knowledge you can use immediately. And, while you’ll learn business vocabulary, we explain things in plain English, so you’ll enjoy the fast Program pace.

The Program vision is to reduce the business failure rate and increase the degree of success for businesses managed or advised by Program attendees by improving the decision making of busi-ness managers and their advisors. It was designed to improve decision making by providing the Nation’s most practical and actionable, one-day, overall business management program. We be-lieve that making better business decisions is the key to business success.

If you don’t have a business degree or time for university business courses, and you want to sharp-en your business decision-making ability, please consider spending one day with us. Click here to learn more about the One Day MBA Program at the StoneGate website. You can learn to make better decisions, manage business experts, and avoid common mistakes that could ruin your com-pany. It’s one day that could change your life.

For a video preview of the StoneGate Capital Group One Day MBA Program, click here.

To register for the StoneGate Capital Group One Day MBA Program, click here.